Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


                                                 ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION Baitul 'Izzah
                                                  SMP Baitul Islam 'Izzah NGANJUK
                                       Jl.Wilis, Kramat Nganjuk
( 46 (0358) 322586
                                                LAST  EVALUATION SEMESTER I
                                                    LESSON YEAR 2011 - 2012

            LESSONS                    : Social Study
            GRADE                                    : VII
            TIME                            : 60 minutes
General Instructions:
1.Prayer before and after work on the problems below.
2.Write down name and candidate number on the answer sheet that has been available.
3.Chek and read the questions carefully and cautiously.
4.Doit  themselves frankly.

I. Put a cross (x) at points a, b, c, or d on the best answer!
1. Rice fields, reservoirs, dams include natural appearance ...
    a. Nature                   b. Artificial                    c. Terrain                     d.Mountains
2. Land bordering the sea is called ...
    a.  Ocean                  b.Strait                          c. Coast                       d. Lake
3. On the picture next to a pattern of settlement residents in the area ...
    a. Beach
    b. Lowland
    c. Mountains
    d. High
Average' citizens livelihood as farmers
Using thin clothing
Population hetrogenitas
Its activity almost entirely concentrated in cities
    From the above table are the traits of the population lives in the area ...
    a. lowland                 b. Coast                        c. High                          d.Mountain
5. One feature of the houses in the plateau region is ...
    a. Vented a lot of       b. vented a little             c.  roof tiles                  d.roof to zinc
6. Areas of western Java naming many of us have encountered cCilandak, Ciliwung etc., comes from the   
    word Ci Cai said that means ....
    a. the beach              b. sea                           c. lake                          d.river
7. In the picture on the right is a map ...
    a. General map
    b. Special map
    c. Thematic maps
    d. Topographic maps
8. Earth rotates (360 ') within 24 hours. EDAR speed of the earth at the equator is within 1 hour ....
    a. 1.665 km               b.  1.666 km                  c.1. 667 km                   d. 1.668 Km

9. The distance map, if multiplied by the scale equal to the actual distance the field is called ...
     a. Conformal                        b.  equidistant               c. Equivalent                 d.real
10. Symbol on the map mean ...
      a. City                    b.The capital of city       c. The city administration          d.lake
11. People in performing activities always take into account costs incurred and benefits received from the
      activities carried out this thing called ...
      a. act rationally        b. saving act                c.cost and benefit          d. act economically
12. In the picture on the right is the motive ...
      a. recognition motif                                      c.Profit Motive
      b. social motives                                         d.Motif Economy
13. Hamdan asked her mother to buy a note book. because schools have ICT learning activities. The  
      desire of these include motifs Hamdan ...
      a. Intrinsic               b.extrinsic                    c. authority                    d. social
14. Humans will choose the smallest sacrifice to achieve a particular purpose or a particular sacrifice is
       called ...
       a. the economic motive b. economic action c. act rationally               d.economic principles
15. Mr. Imam work day - the day is the seller of chicken pieces, in selling merchandise Mr. Imam mixing it
Description: D:\Interaksi Sosial\Belajar privat.jpgDescription: D:\Anak Terlantar\anjal 2.jpg      with chicken dead yesterday. Mr. Imam action pack includes ...
      a. act rational          b. action does not rasioal c. the profit motive       d.motive power
16. The images below which includes the process of interaction meant to be Imitation is ...
      a.                           b.                                 c.

17. On the picture next to a process of social interaction ...
      a. Individuals with a group                            c. Group by group
      b. Individuals with Individuals                       d. Group with Gang
18. In every month of October is always inter-school competitions held race events including the process of
       social interaction ...
      a. Conflict               b.Contravention             c. Contradiksi               d. Competition
19. Forms of cooperation between two or more organizations that have a common purpose are called ..
      a. co optation          b. Joint Venture             c. Compromise                         d.Coalition
20. Sincerely respect, compassion, and honesty is a form of socialization ...
      a. Secondary           b. Primary                    c. Family                      d.Playmates
21. Ages Pre-literacy in Indonesia last century Top - ...
      a. 2 century                         b. 4 century                   c. 3 century                  d. 5 century
22. Places of worship in ancient times called ...
      a. Menhir                                                     c. Punden staircase steps
      b. Sarcophagus                                           d.Nekara
23. The inventor of Pithecanthropus erectus fossils are ...
      a. Ter haar              b. Eugene Dubois         c. Von Koeningswald    d. Oppenoorth
24. On the picture next to the function of these axes to ...
 Hunt                        b.raising                               c.farming                             d.cult
25. Animals Dinosaurs lived a long time ...
      a. Arkaikum                         b.Paleozoic                   c. Mesozoic                 d.Neozoikum
26. The earthquake that occurred because letesan volcano called ...
      a. tectonic earthquake b. Volcanic Earthquake c.Earthquake avalanches d. Earthquake
27. The movement of the earth's crust as a result of endogenous labor is called ...
      a. Tectonic              b, Diatropisme               c.Volcanic                     d. Fault
28. Cone’s chalk hanging on the roof of the cave is called ...
      a. Stalktit                                                    c.Frozen rock
      b. Stalagmites                                             d. Stone Marble
29. Gushing spring when - when the crack rock or magma chamber is through the effect of the gas from the
       so called ...
       a. Solfatar              b. fumarole                   c. geyser                       d.mofet
30. Barrier on the sea floor which separates the two seas in the so-called ...
      a.Trough sea           b.depths of the sea        c. sea back                  d.threshold of the sea

II.Fill dot below with the right answer!
31. Coastal settlement patterns that follow the coastline is called ...
32. Meaning of yellow color on the map is ...
33. Impulse that causes men to commit economic action is called ...
34. The term economics comes from ...
35. The process of a person to learn how to live in a society is called ...

III. Answer the question - the following questions with the right answer!
36. Explain how the processes of social interaction
37. Explain with examples of why a person needs maybe same will be different but the desire
38. Mention what the negative impact of deforestation in upstream areas
39. Explain how the social life of early man in the hunting and gathering food
40. Make a sketch of the trip home to school ...

                                              ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION Baitul 'Izzah
                                                           SMP Baitul Islam 'Izzah NGANJUK
                                                  Jl.Wilis, Kramat Nganjuk
( 46 (0358) 322586
                                                       LAST EVALUATION SEMESTER I
                                                             LESSON YEAR 2011 - 2012

            LESSONS                    : Social Study
            GRADE                                    : VIII
            TIME                            : 60 minutes
General Instructions:
1.Prayer before and after work on the problems below.
2.Write down name and candidate number on the answer sheet that has been available.
3.Chek and read the questions carefully and cautiously.
4.Do it themselves frankly.

I. Put a cross (x) at points a, b, c, or d on the best answer!
1. Examples of monopoly market is ...
   a. PT. PLN                 b. PT. Nestle                 c. PT. Indofod              d. PT. Indosat
2. Miss  ana and Miss Santi went to the market wage for small food shopping, including the type of market
    wage market ..
    a. Daily                     b. Weekly                      c. Year’s                       d.Modern
3. In addition to the image including the type of market
    a. concrete                                                    c.Modern
    b. Abstract                                                    d.Traditional
4. 1. There are many buyers
     2. There diferensi seller
     3. manufacturers can control the price at a certain level
     From the list above are the traits of the market ...
    a. Oligopsoni                         b.Monopsony                 c. monopoly                  d.Duopoly
5. Manufacturers want their goods known by the public. Activities to introduce the products to consumers is
    called ...
    a. Distribution Function b. Price Function         c.Labor function             d. Function Promotion
6. Government as manufacturers produce goods and services. Goods and services produced by business
    entities, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, article ....
    a. 33 paragraph 2, 5   b. 33 paragraph 1.3        c. 33 paragraph 2.4        d. 33 paragraph 2.3
7. Indonesia sends society a lot of labor to foreign countries to become migrant workers, the money
    obtained from TKI called ...
    a. BInfalsi                 b. Devaluation               c. Deflation                   d. Foreign exchange
8. Machinery, equipment and money are grouped in the production of capital ... capital.
    a. Abstract                b. concrete                    c. own                          d. loan
9. Mr. Ali therefore pack headache Ali buy medicine to be taken to recover the action pack is included in the
    needs of Ali ...
    a. Spiritual                 b. Physical                    c. Now                          d. Future

Item Name
Item Name
       From the above table that include a secondary requirement is ...
       a. 1, 3                    b. 2, 5                           c. 3, 4                          d. 3.4
11. Behavior that is inconsistent with the norms or values
​​that apply so-called ...
      a. Deviation             b. dissidents                 c.recalcitrant                 d. conformity
12. In the picture beside an aberration that is
      a.  Negative                        c. Individual
      b.  Positive              d.Group
13. Corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) while it became the center of public attention to immediately
      eradicated. Judging from the levels of fraud and the perpetrators, including the form of deviation.
      a. primary-individual b. primary-group             c. individual-group          d. secondary-group
14. Substance abuse, alcoholism, including on one kind of social deviation, that is ... .
      a. crime                  b. form of lifestyle          c. sexual behavior          d.Excessive consumption
15. The images below are the primary aberrations which include ...
      a.                            b.                                c.

16. On the picture next to an author of an article entitled Een Ereschuld
      a. Max havelar         c. Van Marjik
      b. Van Mook            d. Helen Van
17. In the Netherlands in 1912 during the Dutch colonial Indonesian students residing in the Netherlands
      set up a fighting organization. The organization is ...
      a. Son of Earth Society                                c. Association of Indonesia
      b. Youth Association of Indonesia                 d.Association of Indonesian students
18. Founders of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) is ...
      a. Semaun              b.Douwes Deker            c. Snevilt                      d. Aidit D. N.
19. In 1806 in Holland, the people of Indonesia established the party of obstruction, ie ...
     a. Indische Vereniging b. Indische Partji         c. Gerindra                   d. SI Islam
20. In 1915 in Jakarta standing youth organization whose members consist - of Java and Madura youth
      organization is a ...
      a.Perindra               b.Budi Utomo                c. Gerindra                   d. Trikoro Dharmo
21. The picture first governor General VOC
      a. Pieter Both          c. Max Havelar
      b. Van Mook           
d. Van Deventer
22. One example of Ratu Adil movements that occur in
Bandungan Kediri in 1907 under the leadership of .
      a. Kasdi Ahmad       b. Dermojoyo                c.Surohidin                    d. Samin Surontika
23. Duke and the Commander of the famous kingdom of Buleleng in resistance to the Netherlands is ..
      a. I Gusti Ktut Jelantik                                 c. I Gusti Ngurah Rai
      b. I Nyoman Panji Tisna                               d. I Gusti Ngurah Made Gayam

24. After the VOC went bankrupt and break up all the wealth in debt and dependent territories taken over
      a. Republic Bataasfsche                             c. Governing Raffles
      b. Government Daendels                              d. Dutch East Indies government
25. Resistance to the Dutch, led by Sisingamangaraja XII occurred in the area ...
      a. Batak                  b. Padang         c. Sulawesi                               d.Moluccas
26. Below are images showing the pyramid Stationary is ...
      a.                           b.                                 c.                                 d.

27. Banning smoking in certain places is an example of preventing environmental damage ...
      a.  Water                 b. Air                           c. soil                           d. culture
28. Kramat local population, in 2011 totaled 218 million, 1.5% birth rate and death rate of 1%, natural
      population growth Kramat area in 2011 is ...
      a. 218, 000              b. 1.09 million                c. 2.18 million               d. 2.27 million
29. One characteristic that indicates the level of welfare of the population is ...
      a. Infant mortality rate b. Dependency Ratio c. expentacy life            d.Sex Ratio
30. The line spread of flora and fauna of the western and central Indonesia is called the line ...
      a. Wallace               b. Waber                       c.  west                       d.East

II.Fill dot below with the right answer!
31. Market where there are only a few sellers and compete with each other is called ...
32. Goods that can be replaced with other goods called ...
33. Embedding budipekerti, moral and spiritual is the prevention of irregularities in
34. Founder of school virtues Wife (1913) in Tasikmalaya is ...
35. Antasari prince degree in Banjar war is ...

III. Answer the question - the following questions with the right answer!
36. Are positive and negative result of the implementation of the Dutch colonial government? List 3
37. What is the role of the press in order to develop national consciousness? Mention two
38. What is the function values
​​and social norms as a means of social control?
39. Explain anything that may affect human needs?
40. Explain what the market uses concrete for community economic activity?

                                          ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION Baitul 'Izzah
                                                        SMP Baitul Islam 'Izzah NGANJUK
                                                Jl.Wilis, Kramat Nganjuk
( 46 (0358) 322586
                                                       LAST EVALUATION SEMESTER II
                                                               LESSON YEAR 2011 - 2012

            LESSONS        : Social Study
            GRADE                        : IX
            TIME                : 60 minutes
General Instructions:
1.Prayer before and after work on the problems below.
2.Write down name and candidate number on the answer sheet that has been available.
3.Chek and read the questions carefully and cautiously.
4.Do it themselves frankly.

I. Put a cross (x) at points a, b, c, or d on the best answer!
1. UNO financial bodies aim to help countries experiencing balance of payments deficit is ...
     a. IBRD                   b. IMF                           c. IGGI                                     d. ILO
2. ASEAN is a form of economic cooperation ...
    a. Regional                b. International               c.Bilateral                      d. Multilateral
3. Indonesia entered into the membership of OPEC in the year ...
    a.  1967                    b. 1965                         c. 1963                                     d.1962
4. Which led to the Cuban crisis is ...
     a. USA soldiers killing of                               c. The Soviet Union built missile
     b. USA crash in Cuban territory                     d. invasion of Soviet troops in Cuba
5. Countries shaded in the map is a state members of the OIC, namely ...
    a. Egypt
    b. Iran
    c. Iraq
    d. Saudi Arabia
6. Below that is the current Secretary-General is ...
    a.                             b.                                 c.                                 d.

7. UNO agencies that play a role in solving the problem of West Irian is ...
    a. UNTEAD              b. UNTEA                     c.UNO                          d. Umbro
8. The original members (Original members) the last incoming UN membership is ...
    a. The Netherlands    b.France                       c. Poland                     d. German

      From the table above State not party to become a member of EEC is ...
      a. Luxemburg          b. France                      c. Turkey                      d. German
10. IX Asean summit on 12-14 desembar 2005 was held in the country ...
      a. Bali                     b. Malaysia                   c. Bangkok                    d. Jakarta
11. Declaration of ASEAN in implementing in the city ....
      a. Philippines           b.Bangkok                     c. Jakarta                     d. Malaysia
12. Indonesian students who were killed in fighting Tritura is ...
      a. Arif Suyono         b. arif rahman Hakim      c. Irfan Hakim              d. Arif Mashuri
13. Accountability president Sukarno in the Assembly session on 22 June 1966 was.
      a.mouthpiece Indonesia b.Mengugat              c. Bekibarlah flag           d. Nawakasara
14. Images in addition to the founders of the party Masyumi Indonesia ...
      a. M. Natsir             c. Sukiman
      b. Ali Sastroamijoyo d. Juanda
15. Mr. Burhan entrepreneurs antiques antique items he sells abroad Burhan pack action in trading goods
      abroad antique kel called ....
      a. Foreign traders     b. Import                       c. buyers                      d. exporter
16. Places or institutions that memperdagangankan various types of foreign currency is called ...
      a.Money Changer    b. Foreign Currency Exchange c. Stock Exchange International d.banks
17. Theory of Absolute Advantage presented by ...
       a. David ricardo      b. Adam Smith              c. Leonardo de Vinci      d. Michel Angelo
18. Foreign exchange derived from exports of goods is called foreign exchange ...
      a. General               b. State                         c.credit                         d. payment
19. The government gives tax breaks to increase the number of export export, this provision can be  
      enjoyed by exporters as ...
      a.Government Negligence                            c.government arrogance
      b.Subsidies                                                             d.protection
20. To limit the amount of imported goods can be done in a way ...
      a.Reduce the import duty permit easier
      b.raising the import duties Import credit
21. In addition to drawing money has a value ...
      a. Intrinsic                           c. Nominal
      b. Real                                d. Internal
22. Principles for the results in terms of Islamic banking is ...
      a. Musharakah                     b. Mudaraba      c. Ijarah                        d. Murabaha

Establish and implement
Manage and maintain the smooth payment system
Extend credit to the community
Collect funds from the public
      From the above table that includes the central bank's task is to ...
      a. 1.3                                  b. 2.3                c.1, 2                            d. 2.4
24. Pak Wayan a businessman from Bali. He always kept his business profits in the form of deposits.
      Savings deposits can be taken after a period of 3 months. Pak Wayan deposits including type of ... .
      a. certificate of deposit         b.deposito        c.deposits on call           d. giro
25. In the picture on the right is ...
      a. bank certificate                                        c.Deposit
      b. ATM                                                       d.Savings book

II.Fill dot below with the right answer!
26. Records containing the value of goods exported and imported so called ...
27. Lending to customers who take tailored to the needs of so called ...
28. Organizations that deal with food and agriculture of the world is ...
29. UNO headquarters in the city ...
30. Representatives from Malaysia who signed the Declaration of ASEAN is ...
31. ASEAN Member State is the last entry
32. Countries that are not present in the KAA at Bandung is
33. Money spent by the state is called ...
34. The value of materials used to make money is called ...
35. President Soeharto stepped down from the presidency on

III. Answer the question - the following questions with the right answer!
36. Is the derivative function of money? List 3 and explain each’s function?
37. Are the benefits Indonesia from international cooperation? Mention 5
38. Explain what the benefits of trade Internasional?
39. Explain what the purpose of central bank?
40. Explain what the purpose of establishment of the United Nations for world peace?

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